Submit Testimonial

Thanks you very much for considering submitting a testimonial.

Word of Dream Hammock is all spread by your recommendations to your hiking/camping friends, people in social media groups, posting pictures or reviews of our hammocks, and referring people to us when they need some help. All of these things are vitally important to us, and it means the world to us that you would take the time to do these things!

Thank you

What to include

When submitting a Testimonial, please include your name (or the name you would like us to use, such as a trail-name), your experience with your Dream Hammock, and possibly some details about your hammock. Please write something along the lines of "Customer Testimonial" in the subject line. After we recieve your subbmission, we will review it and add it to our Testimonial page as soon as we are able to find time to add it.

Last but not least, we love pictures! We would love to post a picture of your hammock alongside your review.

If you share your testimonial on Facebook or Instagram, don't forget to tag us!

How else can you spread the word?

If you are looking for ways to help us out, the best thing you can do is talk to people. We have never spent a dime on advertisements, so your recommendations are our life-blood. If you are part of any hammock camping groups/forums, recommending us is a tremendous help.

Being active with us on social media is also very helpful for us to reach new people. Following, commenting, and tagging us on Instagram and Facebook, makes a difference as well.

Thank you so much for your support